Michele Keethler RD LD
In-Person & Telehealth Appointments
Currently Accepting New Patients!
Michele works with a variety of patient populations, including:​
Heart Disease
Kidney Disease
Failure to Thrive
Older Adult Nutrition
Pediatric Nutrition
Feeding Tubes
Weight concerns
Sports Nutrition
I am a Registered and Licensed Dietitian since 2009.
A RD navigating her way in this messy diet obessed world.
After years working in clinical, hospital setting, I was tired of fighting mainstream doctors pushing diets and weightloss on my patients. My goal is to help individuals find their own voice in the wellness culture. I want to educate and empower you to make your own choices when it comes to food, nutrition, fitness and health. There is so much work to do to break away from all the diet "rules" and mindset. ​
Fun Facts
I hate cardio, brownies are my favorite food, I am passionate about communicating science and I love being a wife and mother. I have two great kids, 2 dogs and a cat that weaseled his way into my heart and home last year--Just your basic cat lady now. If you want to learn more about me feel free to follow me over on the 'gram.